Some people claim that all religions are essentially the same and only superficially different. The truth is, all religions are essentially different and only superficially the same.

Some say all religions are similar because they all teach ethics. The truth is that the other world religions fundamentally seek to help bad people become better by choosing better personal ethics. Christianity, on the other hand, invites spiritually dead people to become spiritually alive (John 3:5).

This is accomplished solely through Jesus’ sacrificial death (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus claimed that what He said took precedence over all other people’s teaching. He said He is humanity’s only means of salvation (John 14:6). Those who followed Him confirmed this (Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:5). Jesus also warned about those who would try to set forth a different Christ (Matthew 24:4-5).

The various religions also teach different views of God. Jesus taught about a triune God (Matthew 28:19). Muhammad (the founder of Islam) taught that the one God is not a Trinity. Hinduism refers to many gods that are extensions of the one impersonal Brahman. Buddhism teaches that the concept of God is essentially irrelevant. Obviously, these religions are not pointing to the same God. If one is right, the others are wrong. If Jesus was right (as Christians believe), the others are wrong.

Pearl of Wisdom: A person’s commitment to the idea that all religions are essentially the same is based on his or her ignorance of those religions.

[5·Minute APOLOGETICS for TODAY Ron Rhodes]